Dream Eleven

I wake up in the morning and hanging off the side of my finger is a bulbous wad of flesh... like a mole, but only connected by a thin strip of flesh. I show it to my mom, but she's not interested in helping me remove it. I go get some scisors. It is painful to tug on this thing, but I don't care. I position the scisors and SNIP. Now there's a medium large exposed area of flesh along the side of my finger there. The tissue inside looks like cottage cheese and is totally dead to feeling.

There's someone else here now... I don't know who she is. She's picking at the flesh with a pair of tweezers. It's not painful at all. Eventually we get all the crap out and now there's a thin membrane like a blister. She pokes it and the pus inside is totally transparent. We clear out the membrane. There's something inside. Some foreign object floating in there. I pull it out. It's a full size bottle of contact lens solution. I'm amazed that my optometrist was involved in this whole problem.